Calna; unique in every sense of the word
Just like her name, she is unique in every sense of the word, music to her is a passion and a medium through which she can express herself but more importantly a tool she believes was put at her disposal in order for her to carry on the Lord's work.
She is as passionate about her music as she is passionate about her work in Christ. She is not just another rapper 'spittin' out bars and punchlines......because through every one of her songs and live performances, she is ministering the Word of God.
Who is this unique talent? You might ask......
Urban Craft magazine caught up with the young woman to find out just as much.
What is your full name?
My name is Calna Mutizwa.
What is your stage name and how did you come up with it?
I use Calna as my stage name, I tried hard to find a name cooler but failed, so I naturally settled for my birth name, I figured my name is UNIQUE and cool enough!
How old are you?
I turned twenty one (21) on the third of November (3 November).
Where are you based?
Im based in Chitown.
When and how did this music journey start for you?
Long story...My music journey started in 2012 after an encounter with J Soldier.I was a new member of the church and I enjoyed Hip Hop but only knew a few Gospel Artists. I got introduced to J Soldier (who at that time had just started doing his own music), he gave me i think three of his tracks, Million Angels, Awesome God and Burning and Shinning and I enjoyed all of them (still enjoy them today). He hooked me up with other Gospel tracks and he asked if I wanted to try recording. Funny thing is I had never thought of singing but i took up the offer, next thing I knew, I was in the studio recording our first single together 2.B.2.B.C ( Too Blessed To Be Cursed). Honestly at that time I thought music wasn't for me, I had never even imagined myself rapping let alone singing but I was encouraged and now I can't imagine myself without music lol. That's about the time we formed the Team/Movement, J Army.
Who were some of your musical influences growing up?
Growing up I loved music especially Hip Hop and RnB but I never imagined becoming an Artist. I grew up listening to Lil Wayne, Neyo, Beyonce, JayZ but after getting born again the artists who really influenced me were Lecrae, Trip Lee, V Rose and of course J Soldier.
What is it that made you want to be a musician?
Ministry made me want to be a musician. The thought that my music can change someone's life, help someone be 'saved' or help them enjoy Christianity is what made me want to be an artist.
Thus far, in your career, what are some of the more memorable moments for yu?
Everytime I get an opportunity to minister anywhere is positively memorable but the most memorable would be in 2013 at Nyatsime High School where Christhood, J Army and S.O.G did a show for the students. It meant a lot seeing the students enjoying Gospel and many accepted Christ. The other one would be the 2014 Reachout Zimbabwe. There I ministered with J Soldier at Harare Gardens in front of a very large crowd and it was indeed a 'Holy Ghost Party'. An Interview with Prometheus on ZBCTv's "Zim Hip Hop Report" was great too. The most memorable would be in 2016 when we ( J Army) were doing the 'Kwete Zvekudaro' video with Aaron Mheta. It was me and my team and a few friends having fun. What makes it memorable is that it was a gathering of friends connecting but at the same time creating ART.
Is music a job or passion to you?
Music is a Passion for me. It's a way of winning people over and bringing them towards Christ for me. I would like to look back on this time later on in life and say that I made a difference through my music......infact, I was the DIFFERENCE!!
When can we look forward to hearing a mixtape or album from you?
Right now I'm working on Pressure Zero remix. There is quite a number of interesting artists that are going to feature and among those are, Prophecy and Courtney Antipas. The Pressure Zero video is also coming out in early 2017 and I am looking forward to it. 2017 is already looking like its going to be my year, all things are looking up for me. I'm also working on an EP for 2017 and the single 'Pressure Zero' is going to be on that project.
Who are some of the musicians / producers that you have enjoyed working with?
Top of the list is X-Fecta SoundMindz, a producer who is now based in S.A. He was the first producer to work with me and we did a number of singles with him as J Army including H.G.P (Holy Ghost Party). Working with Young Preacher was great too we did Kurauone earlier this year (2016). Working with Courtney Antipas has been a great honor. He appreciates Music and Talent, every session with him is memorable. He co-produced my single Pressure Zero and most tracks in J Soldier's EP, #TheGraceEffect. I also enjoy working with Blaquh Beats , the man who makes the dope beats i smash! He made the Pressure Zero beat. It would be an injustice not to mention J Soldier, sessions with him are like pre-school classes, educational but fun as well. He has taught me most of what I know. Believe me I don't like mentioning him a lot but he has played a huge role in my journey as an artist. I have done so many tracks with him including Pressure zero, H.G.P (Holy Ghost Party) and so much more.
What do you aim to achieve through music?
I want to be able to change people's lives,I want to lead people to Christ with my music. I want to reach to those in challenging situations and through my music be able to show them that there is salvation in Christ. I want to be able to minister on a global stage and to touch people even in places that I can't reach, physically.
What makes you unique and different from all the other femcees?
What makes me different is the motive behind my music. It is why I am in the industry that makes me different. It's how i see it as ministry and not just a way of making money or entertaining people that makes me unique.
If you had the chance to work with any international artist, who would it be?
I have quite a long list of the artists I want to work with. Examples are KB, Lecrae, V Rose, DaTruth and Rapnation and many more....

Tag: Instrumentals Local news
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