Walk with us into the future: Portalcoretv
Attached to the Portalcoretv logo is the phrase 'motivated to keep you captivated' and for the better part of the year and since its inception, the media company has endeavoured to make this a reality!
Born out of the need to exhibit and distribute local film productions, Portalcoretv, though still in its infancy, has gone a long in making sure that the nation is kept 'captivated' by partnering with local filmmakers and organisations on various productions, the majority of which are showcased on their platform.
Portalcoretv's presence is not relegated to film alone as its influence is felt even in the music industry as well, where the media company has helped a large pool of artists to come up with a better product that matches international standards in terms of music videos.
Urban Craft Magazine caught up with one of the innovative minds of today, Takudzwa Nyangani, the founder of Waterfalls-based Portalcore Media and the brains behind Portalcore TV and below are a few excerpts from that interview
For the Benefit of those not yet familiar with you or your work, can you tell us what exactly Portalcoretv is?
Portalcore TV is a video on demand service that is wholly owned by Portalcore Media. Portalcore TV is mainly dedicated to deliver film and entertainment presented in various forms such as, Drama, Documentaries, Music videos, interviews and entertainment news.
When did it all start?
Portalcore TV was established in January this year and, was made public firstly on Social media for a protracted validation period which gave us the oppotunity to assess and collect data on the viability of this venture based on responces from both film industry players and the general audience.
Im sure a lot of people would be curious to know what the inspiration behind this initiative was......
"The idea first came to me about two years ago as a result of an experimental mobile application that i had developed (whose nature i am not at liberty to disclose) as one of Portalcore Media's future I.T projects.
This in-turn encouraged me to turn the development of the platform's focus back home after realising the need for more platforms to exhibit and/or distribute local films with ease of access. All of this supported the idea for a platform like Portalcore TV and gave me the belief that it was a goal we needed and could easily attain.
What is your primary objective?
Portalcore's primary objective is focused on actively participating on improving visibility and access of local film and related art forms alike, finding markets and delivering products in our catalogue. It is our hope that this will also create employment and realise revenue on behalf of our clients through paid content.
Take us through what a normal day at Portalcoretv is like and what goes into making this initiative a reality......
A normal day at Portalcore begins with a cup of tea. As a creative Media house it is a prerequisite to start a new day with a clear mind to make way for revolutionary ideas Portalcore Media's Vision depends on the completion of Portalcore TV's website which we recently launched and gettting more and more content for the website.
Can you list for us some of the big names who have passed through your doors?
It has been a Priviledge working with artists from various parts of Zimbabwe who bought into our idea and gave us their work to exhibit on our platform without reservations: Sydney Taivavashe from Masvingo (Writter & Director of Through the Night 2 ), Slimaz Pro (The Purse), Jasen Mpepo (The Funeral Trailer), Melgin Tafirenyika (Deep Thought), Munashe Chitsiga (Aliens Beyond Bounderies), Eutychus Taonashe Holy (Master Plan), Percey Zvimba (Baba Stira) Leni Sibanda from Bulawayo, Shem Zemura and Organisations like creative arts Zimbabwe who we have partnered on production of various short films.
Looking back in retrospect, what have been some of the major highlights for you in 2016?
Working with Tytan and Ammara Brown on the Mukoko video which i co-directed and also not forgeting Takura's 'Maobama' video production just to mention a few and they all set a mark as some of Portalcore's biggest highlights of this year.
Would you say that it has been a successful year for you?
2016 has been a successful year for us because we have accomplished the things that we set out to achieve, chief among them being, the establishment of Portalcore TV and the other target for us was spreading our reach beyond the local domain.
Positive signs of Portalcore TV's far reaching effects are there for everyone to see, each new day individuals from across the nation and beyond email us their CVs for work, we get a lot of concept and music video submissions as well. Special mention goes to 'Bachura' by Exq and Ammara Brown and not forgetting 'Straight Up' by DMB an upcoming artist from Bulawayo. To all of us here at Portacore Media, all this shows us is that we are not only making our own mark on the industry but making a difference while at it too.
Looking ahead, what are your plans for this initiative?
Our future plans are pinned upon the extensive expansion of Portalcore TV's reach in the global village ..... In essence, I cannot say much except, walk with us into the future!

Tag: Entertainment Local news
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