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You must have seen him trade his skills on the dance floor but he has decided to offer us an E.P and promises an album soon. Yeah am talking about the vintage man, candyfloss kid, the trend setter Vinnie King. Aged 27 the city of kings’ superstar has offered a lot in the entertainment sector with Dreams to fame opening doors for him in 2003 when he was raping with his then crew C2R and then switching to hip hop dancing with the hilarious K-otix crew.
Having to be part of Isigodlo Samakhosi and winning B.O.P battle with K-otix created more avenues as he went down south creating a krump movement, joining forces with the rap crew Flying Dutchmen. Life wasn’t all glittering gold as he had to work long hours as a waiter and barista so he decided home was best. He became the man behind the evolution of another most happening dance crew Anti-virus which won him more accolades.
Now he is giving us his first solo project Born International E.P which carries eight tracks with producers like Murphy Cubic, The Mulb, Red Monkey Nation, 20 twenty, K 9ine and Hit Factory. He calls his music Inspirational and you can find different type of genres withthe song thousand miles which can take youplaces and handikanganwe as he gives thanks to all the influential people. 
Having his fair share of air play on ZIFM, Yafm, Skys Metro he earned a feature withSlikour on live and basepoll he aims at representing Zimbabwe on an international level and would love to work with Wizkid. This festive catch him at Fill up the dumz at Plumtree 9 December and Back to the city countdown 31st and K-OTIX reunion yes you heard it first on urban craft…
Story by Mbonisi Nkomo

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