In the month of February, we got the surprise of our lives when the Mukoko hitmaker (and 'master', so we are told), Tytan dropped a single on Youtube called 'Bho' that was directed by Mr Elders and had cameo appearances from Stunner and ExQ.
Local singer and rapper, Tyrrex gave us thoughts on the new single from Tytan and below is what he had to say.
If you know Mr Elders very well, I am sure you will know that he doesn't use lighting like other directors when shooting a video unless the place is 'really dark' and this time he decided to dust off his lighting equipment, my guess, Meikles hotel is pretty dark hey. The lighting was good but somehow killed the complection of Tytan, couldn't tell whether he is dark or brown, a ghost or maybe something in-between!
Mr Elders is very good in that and we are glad he did not use that old classic cinema effect that he used in the beginning of Tambisa Dako. He has improved on the effects side, he simply used good old 'instagram filter style'
From the first scene we could tell that this was a story about a broken hearted girl so what was quite amusing was the heartbreaker who happens to be Stunner and that made perfect sense because we all know he is a 'heartbreaker'. What was strong however was how Tytan "saved" the lady in distress by dancing with her in an empty room with nothing but a flashlight on. The story sounds simple enough, nothing fancy about it right?
Whoever dressed these guys did a fine job, the clothes even fit ExQ and his new found 'girth'. The waiter costume was on point and the whole colour fit the situation. A great job indeed!
I have three theories concerning the moral of the story being told here:
1) Stunner is a 'cheater' don't marry him
2)Tytan is a nice waiter, dancer and ladies' man.
3)ExQ is always confused and unsure of everything.
"This is not just a simple slank video, it has three stories to it, all embodied in one.
Story One
Remember in Mukoko, Tytan was a hustler? Well, it seems he has upgraded and moved on and is now a waiter at Meikles Hotel.
Story Two
Why was Ammara Brown crying about getting her heartbroken? Well, it certainly was not ExQ but Tytan that she was referring to. Remember, Tytan had been caught by Ammara Brown while dancing with "THE WHITE LADY".
Story Three.
The girl that ExQ was talking about in Bhachura was not Ammara but the girl who slept with Stunner in the 'Bho' video, that's why he thinks all women are cheap.
What one would notice is that 'Mukoko', 'Bhachura' and 'Bho' are all related to one another.
The guy who dances with Ammara Brown in Bhachura is "Tytan" and this broke ExQ's heart because he thought he had lost her to her ex-boyfriend, again!!
Remember that throughout the Mukoko-Bhachura-Bho universe, Tytan is a 'freelancer', so-to-speak, he does everything! (God help us all)
He dances, sells honey and is a waiter. With that being said, we can classify him as a...."
THE END............
*Tyrrex is a singer and rapper. Get his latest single So Fine featuring Vinnie King on SoundCloud
Here is the link:
Editor's note:
Thank you Mr Tyrrex for the wonderful piece on Tytan's 'Bho' video, I cracked a rib or two myself, all thanks to your amazing take on matters!
I, and I am sure the rest of Zimbabwe as well, hope that this is only the first in a series of many more 'reviews' to follow.
My kindest Regards.
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