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» » » Mvumo Taps Into Africa's raw talent

By Tawanda Ngena
It is one of the emerging forces in terms of talent scouting not only in kenya but regionally as well in its mission to identify raw talent, 'catch them young' as it were, and nurture it. In the few months that it has been in existence, Mvumo's work has taken it beyond Kenya as it continues in its mission regionally as well.
We spoke to Kenya's own 'iron lady' and the brains behind this project, Consolata Chibalonza and she explained to us in brief what Mvumo stood for and what its mission was. Here are some of the responses from a young but inspiring woman who is quite driven and exudes all the confidence in the world, resilience and strength of character in the attainment of her goals.

For those of us not familiar with your organisation. Can you tell a bit more about it?
MVUMO is an organisation for creating talent appreciation and marketing.
It is almost six months old.
It is an online initiative that we now want it planted in high schools since it is where talents can be tapped best.

What is your name and briefly tell us about yourself?
I am consolata chibalonza.

A Kenyan citizen living at its capital city Nairobi though working at the western part of the country.

What is it that made you want to embark on such a project?
The current generation is packed with huge talents at a time when talents are marketable and resourceful. However, many are wasted by going to production companies that are only after their money and not the prosperity of the artist.
I came up with the idea after realizing that we should no longer waste these energies. 

What would you say, is your ultimate goal with this project?
We are aiming at encouraging talents to be internationally recognized and marketed. By the end of the of it all, let talents be given the seriosity it deserves.

What are some of the challenges that you have faced and still continue to face even today?
As with any new thing that you start or embark on, there's always bound to be challenged but to me all it means is just that you have to fight even harder in order to fulfil your goals.
Some of the challenges we face are that some of the members are not always serious.  Convincing the youth to put some aims and strictness in their art is proving futile.

What are you doing to further your cause?
We are working through various social platforms in order to make sure we increase our reach and scope. Though Mvumo started in Kenya, I would like to think that our mission is a global one and we will be there to identify talent even beyond our own Kenyan boarders.

You can get in touch with Mvumo using the following details:
@mvumoorgan on Twitter
mvumo organisation Facebook page
+254710396774 shovan
+254717832350 Consolata
Both for whatsapp.

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